Copywriting Portfolio


Client: Nestle

Brand: Delta Ice Cream

The Challenge 
The client wanted to make special Christmas Cards to send to their business partners and to their VIP customers for the holidays.

The Solution 
I suggested that we make two separate sets of Christmas Cards, ones for the business partners and others for the VIP customers. I recommended to the graphic designer to include the ice cream in the visual, by constructing a snowman out of scoops of the ice cream. The copy accompanying the visual was short and sweet, but to the point.

The Result 
Cheerful Christmas Cards and a jolly client.

The Translation 

Red Card – for the business partners

Ice cold streets, ice cold roofs, ice cold winds….

For New Year’s we wish you only one kind of ice

…. tasty Nestle ice cream!


Blue Card – for the VIP customers

In 2009 we wish you:

365 days of

happiness, success, love….

….and 365 tasty scoops of ice cream!